a cake a day

Monday, April 5, 2010

Eastercake - Osterkuchen

This Easter, for the first time I got served this beautiful tarte-like cake. For some reason I have never had this traditional cake before so, as here in Switzerland it is still Easter, I will post it.
Pastry: 250g flour, 125g butter, 1egg, 500ml milk, pinch of salt
Filling:  3 egg yolks, 150g sugar, 100ml cream, 100g quark, 50g raisins, 100g ground almonds, grated rind of 2 lemons, 100g short grain rice precooked in milk, 3 eggwhites, 3 tablespoons rasberry jam
Decoration: almond slices and icing sugar
For the base, mix flour, butter, milk, egg and salt to a firm dough, leave in fridge for 1 hour. 
For the filling, beat egg yolks and sugar until light and fluffy. Mix quark with the cream and combine with the sugar-egg mix. Fold in almonds, raisins, lemon and pre-cooked rice. At last, beat egg whites until they form a peak. Fold carefully into the rice-quark mix.
 Preheat oven to 190°C. Roll out base dough into a buttered pie tin. Use a fork  to lightly punch some holes into the base. Layer with rasberry jam, top with the quark-rice mix and bake for about 25 min.
When cooled , sprinkel with almonds and icing sugar

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